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How to Auto Increment Numbers in Google Sheets: A Step by Step Guide


10 min read


How to Auto Increment Numbers in Google Sheets: A Step by Step Guide

When working with Google Sheets, there are various ways to auto increment numbers. One commonly used method is through the fill handle feature, which allows for quick and easy number incrementation.

The Importance of Incrementing Numbers in Google Sheets

In the realm of data management, maintaining a structured and sequential order is of utmost importance. This is where incrementing numbers in Google Sheets proves to be invaluable. By incrementing numbers, you can easily fill cells with a series of dates, values, or reference numbers, ensuring a consistent and organized table structure. This function enhances productivity by streamlining the management of information, especially in numerical and chronological contexts. With the ability to increment numbers, you can save time and effort, while ensuring accuracy in data entry. Whether you're tracking project progress, organizing inventory, or analyzing trends, incrementing numbers in Google Sheets is an essential skill that empowers efficient data management.

Increment Number with Fill Handle

To auto increment numbers in Google Sheets using the fill handle, simply enter a starting number in a cell and drag the blue square in the bottom right corner of the cell to the desired range. The cursor will change to a blue square when positioned correctly, and the subsequent cells will auto increment, adding one to each cell.

1. Double click a cell to enter a number

  • Enter 1

Double click a cell to enter a number

2. Double click the cell right below to enter the next number

  • Enter 2

Double click the cell right below to enter the next number

3. Select the two cells

  • Click on one cell and drag the cursor to select the second cell

Select the two cells

4. The Fill Handle will become visible

The Fill Handle is what you use to autofill cells

The Fill Handle will become visible

5. Click and drag the Fill Handle

  • Drag it to cover all the cells you want autofilled

Click and drag the Fill Handle

6. All the cells are filled

The cells will have the auto incremented values based on the initial 2 cells' data

All the cells are filled

Increment Number with ROW and COLUMN Function

ROW Function

The ROW function in Google Sheets can be used to return the row number of a specified cell reference, providing a way to automatically increment numbers based on the row number. This is helpful to autofill cells in a column.

1. Double click a cell to enter a number

Double click a cell to enter a number

2. Enter the row function

  • Type =row() into the cell and press Enter

Enter the row function

3. The cell displays the row number

The cell displays the row number

4. Click the Fill Handle and Grab

  • With the already filled cell selected, grab the fill handle in the bottom right of the cell
  • Pull it to fill in as many cells you wish to fill

Click the Fill Handle and Grab

5. All the cells are filled

The cells should display the corresponding row numbers

All the cells are filled

COLUMN Function

Similarly, the COLUMN function can return the column number of a specified cell reference. This enables users to auto increment numbers in a row, based on the column number, within the spreadsheet.

1. Double click a cell to enter a number

Double click a cell to enter a number

2. Enter the COLUMN function

  • Type =COLUMN() into the cell and press Enter

Enter the COLUMN function

3. The cell displays the column number

The cell displays the column number

4. Click the Fill Handle and Grab

  • With the already filled cell selected, grab the fill handle in the bottom right of the cell
  • Pull it to fill in as many cells you wish to fill

Click the Fill Handle and Grab

5. All the cells are filled

The cells should display the corresponding column numbers

All the cells are filled

Creating a Formula to Automatically Increment

Another way to increment numbers in Google Sheets is by creating a custom formula to add +1 to the previous cell, allowing for automatic number incrementation as data is entered.

1. Double click a cell to enter a number

  • Enter 1

Double click a cell to enter a number

2. Double click the cell right below to enter a formula

Double click the cell right below to enter the next number

3. Insert the addition formula

  • Type =
  • To select the previous cell, either click on it as shown in the picture, or enter its reference number (which is A1 here)
  • Type +1

Insert the addition formula

4. The cell has the complete formula

  • Press Enter and the calculated value will be shown (in this case, 2)

The cell has the complete formula

5. Click the Fill Handle and Grab

  • With the already filled cell selected, grab the fill handle in the bottom right of the cell
  • Pull it to fill in as many cells you wish to fill

Click the Fill Handle and Grab

6. All the cells are filled

The cells should display the corresponding column numbers

All the cells are filled

Use the ArrayFormula Function

ArrayFormula can be used in combination with the ROW or COLUMN function to autofill the entire column or row respectively.

1. Double click a cell to enter a number

Double click a cell to enter a number

2. Type in the ArrayFormula formula

  • Type =ArrayFormula(ROW(A1:A))
  • Press Enter

Type in the ArrayFormula formula

3. All the cells are filled

All the cells are filled

Expert Tips for Efficient Use of Google Sheets

Now that we have covered the step-by-step process, let's explore some expert tips to enhance your efficiency when working with Google Sheets.

Tip 1: Using Shortcuts for Quick Number Incrementing

One of the most effective ways to speed up number incrementing in Google Sheets is by utilizing keyboard shortcuts. Here are some handy shortcuts you can use for quick number incrementing:

  • Press Ctrl + D to fill down a formula or value from the cell above.
  • Use Ctrl + R to fill right, duplicating the formula or value from the cell to the left.
  • Employ Ctrl + Shift +; to insert the current date into a cell.
  • Ctrl + 1 opens the Format Cells dialog box, allowing you to customize various formatting options.
  • By incorporating these shortcuts into your workflow, you can expedite number incrementing and save valuable time.

Tip 2: Saving Time with Autofill Suggestions

In addition to keyboard shortcuts, Google Sheets also provides autofill suggestions, which can greatly enhance your productivity when incrementing numbers. Take advantage of these time-saving features:

  • As you type, Google Sheets automatically generates suggestions based on existing data, allowing you to quickly fill cells with similar values.
  • Use the drag handle in the bottom right corner of a selected cell to automatically increment values in a series without having to manually enter each number.
  • When working with dates, Google Sheets recognizes patterns and automatically fills cells based on your input, making it easy to create a series of dates.
  • By leveraging these autofill suggestions, you can speed up the number incrementing process and maximize your productivity in Google Sheets.

Closing Thoughts

Learning how to increment numbers in Google Sheets is essential for effective spreadsheet management. By understanding different ways to automatically increment numbers, users can save time and improve efficiency when working with data in Google Sheets. Whether it's using the fill handle, row and column functions, or creating custom formulas, there are various methods to achieve automatic number incrementation in Google Sheets.

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